4 Stupid Things People Say About Money That Keeps Them Poor
We find the following four statements to be the worst offenders. And some of them may be a regular part of your vocabulary currently. We hope by the end of this blog, you’ll eradicate them from your mind and never let them roll off your tongue again.
“I can’t afford it.”
Contrary to popular belief, “poor” and “broke” do not mean exactly the same thing. Both involve a lack of money. However, being poor is a mindset. Being broke is only a temporary condition.
People who are poor say, “I can’t afford it.” A person who instead asks, “How can I afford it?” is not poor even if he have no money, because we are thinking like the wealthy. It is our thoughts that lead to your actions and your actions create our future.
Even when we are faced with circumstances that are outside ur control, we can still control how our respond to the situation. A person with a wealthy mindset sees opportunities, the silver lining in the clouds. Our mindset is key.
Even when we were in debt, we did not think of ourselves as poor. We thought of ourselves as wealthy people who happened to be broke at the time. This attitude — along with hard work, perseverance, and creative thinking — will propelled us forward so that instead of becoming stuck in the rat race we progressed from broke too wealthy.
Many people are finding themselves facing very tough times right now, financially speaking. They may be feeling angry, frustrated, bitter, depressed — and that is certainly understandable. What will determine if these people bounce back or stay trapped by their financial situation will be their attitude. If we are broke, look not only at the problems we are facing, but also the opportunities. Think creatively and look for new ways to solve our financial problems. Inside of us is a rich person, waiting to get out!
“It’s just money.”
This is a statement that can be both empowering and dangerous, depending on how it is used.
“It’s just money” is usually used to point out that there are more important things in life than money — and that’s certainly true. A lot of misery can come from being obsessed with acquiring money when it is done at the expense of not enjoying life, losing relationships, and becoming disconnected from one’s higher purpose. Sometimes when we experience a financial loss or take a financial risk it helps to put things in perspective by reminding ourselves that “it’s just money.”
That being said, it’s also important to acknowledge the reality that money does play an important and influential role in our lives. While we shouldn’t treat money as the most important thing, we also shouldn’t be sloppy about managing our finances. How much money we have can affect our choices, our health, our lifestyle, and so much more — so if we want to build a great life we need to be smart with our money.
The bottom line is this: Take our money seriously by learning to become financially savvy about managing and growing our money and others. On those occasions when we do lose money, learn from the experience, then remind ourselves of this more positive outlook: “It’s our money and we can always get more.”
“Money stresses me out.”
How do we feel about your financial future right now? Are we making changes to obtain financial freedom or are we stuck in a place of worry and fear? Maybe you’ve just given up and are letting others control our financial destiny.
Learn about the economy, know what’s going on in the world and discover what our need to do to control our financial future. This is called getting a financial education, the “unfair advantage” of the rich that we discuss in our presentations all over the world.
Times have changed, and we need to change with them. Well, when we looked at my first income statement and balance sheet, the light went on, and I realized that this traditional way of thinking doesn’t work.
Our company mades the revelation that the key to financial well-being is to focus on acquiring assets, not acquiring income.
After that, we focused on acquiring assets, and our life becomes easier. We no longer work for money; we make it work for us. It’s just a different way of looking at things that will help us reach your financial goals and reduce some of the stressors in your life.
Just because we don’t have money or an education, this is no reason to give up on your dreams of financial freedom. First, change our attitude. We don’t want to hear excuses. We are probably in a temporary situation we can do something about! Next, take action. Make our financial goals a priority, and do what it takes to get a financial education.
With the world in economic chaos, high unemployment rates and rising prices, it can be easy to stress out and be negative. Instead, start acting and thinking in a positive way. We can change our situation for the better and experience financial freedom.
Make our goals a priority, acquire the financial education we need to make our dreams a reality and take action. We too can learn how to use the “unfair advantage of the rich” and be successful, no matter how stressful things get.
You" never have “enough money’.
This statement immediately shows that someone is in a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance mindset. There are two kinds of money problems. Not enough money, and too much money. Which type of money problem do we want?"
For those with the scarcity mindset, there is never enough money. But even worse, come retirement time, too much money becomes a real problem because they are afraid of all the forces, like taxes, that take that money.
The scarcity mindset is so worried about having enough that they don't see the opportunity to make more.
The scarcity mindset lives in constant fear that cripples innovation.
The scarcity mindset keeps them poor.
Living in abundance is up to us
On the other hand, those with an abundance mindset see the world in a completely different way. We look at the problem of too much money as a good problem, not a bad one that should be avoided.
Now, the problem of too much money does need a solution. But with the optimism that comes from an abundance mindset, you can find creative ways to leverage too much money, such as investing in real estate or starting a business that defrays tax costs.
There is a cost to the abundance mindset: our time. Rather than spend our off-hours doing things like watching TV or shopping, we spend them thinking creatively about money and pursuing interesting things that can make us positive cash flow (passive income). Some turn hobbies into an income stream. Others make business or investing a hobby. When we spend time with friends, we do so with people who think like us, often dreaming about what we can be rather than complaining about what is.
Those with an abundant mindset live a fundamentally different, and I would say more rewarding, life. Ultimately, how we want to live is up to us. For many the scarcity mindset is comfortable, and changing the way they view the world is admittedly scary and hard. But we can promise we it's worth it. Just remember, a different tomorrow starts with a different today.
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1- Use good debt to pay bad deb off
2- Acquire passive income
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